About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Sunday 25 January 2015

Me unlocking something in the treasure book

Here is a video of me unlocking two items in the treasure book! you can only use the code ONCE!
Before it was out of stock so, I had to order it again! 

Friday 23 January 2015

New Twitter Account!

Got a new twitter! Hurray! Follow while you can ;) 
Here is the link:

Gotta Have a Wingman (Cole Plante Remix): Official Music Video

Keep on watching! This song is from the puffle party! It rocks! I never knew why i didnt post this! It rocks!

Thursday 22 January 2015

Club Penguin Star Wars Rebels Takeover: Official Trailer

Enjoy the Club Penguin Star Wars Rebels Takeover: Official Trailer! :D

New pin!

New pin in club penguin on the SAME day as the STAR WARS REBEL TAKEOVER! ☻ 

Wanna clue?? Here is it!:

 Do you know what it is and where is it?? Then go on club penguin NOW and get the NEW PIN!

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Sneak peek Pics of club penguin star wars rebel takeover!

Are you ready to see the map of the star wars rebel takeover on club penguin? 

Okay then, here it is!!  I hope you are all excited as i am! Oh and my puffle toy is coming today! I will post some snaps of it!
 Bye guys!

Saturday 17 January 2015

New YouTube Channel

I know i said this before BUT i really need more views and subscribers! Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYxhOvSWbdKTR8tT-mvgnJg 

Share and tell everyone! Thanks!!

Friday 16 January 2015

Star Wars Rebels Takeover - Behind the Scenes Sneak Peek!

Who else is SUPER EXCITED??

Coming Soon: New Cadence Track "You've Got This" - Disney Club Penguin!

Check this out! This is what Cadence new track will sound like for the music themed party coming later this year!

Spacecraft in the sky of club penguin!

 Hey guys! I want to show you something amazing because of the star wars rebel takeover! If you follow my instructions you will see this:
Star Wars Spacecraft Club Penguin

So, first you go to the lighthouse:

Then you click on the sign. 'to the top'. Then you will end up here: Click on the telescope then you will see this:Star Wars Spacecraft Club Penguin
Comment if you did it! Thanks! Good bye

New tweak on the website!!

There is a new background on club penguin and it looks SO much better! Wanna see?
As you can see, it is BLUE! Its is Megg's favorite color that is why she did it! Awesome job Megg! 

Thursday 15 January 2015

New star wars igloo catalog out TODAY!

Today, the new star wars igloo catalog is out, and it is looking good! Check out my igloo:
I know, it looks really cool! Took me a while make and create the igloo. 
Don't forget, if you want to see whats in the catalog and me going around my igloo, my youtube channel is now on and there is a few videos there:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYxhOvSWbdKTR8tT-mvgnJg

Sunday 11 January 2015

Penguin Cuts Outs, do you have it?

Who haves the Olaf costume from the Frozen party in August 2014? Then i do too!

Who has the ice cream worker body item? If you do, comment if you have all of these :D

Anyone haves these clothes or a bit of it? Comment if you do! :D

Does anyone have this ice skating outfit? (It is still available in the stadium catalog) Comment if you do!
Who haves the bumble bee costume (It is also available in the stage costume trunk!) comment if you do! :D
2908475Who haves the grass shirt you can do the Hawaiian dance with? (It is available in the stage costume trunk but it is a secret, click on the Fern Fuzz hairstyle then you will see it!) Comment if you do! You don't need the Blue Lei to do it! 
This is when you dance with it.2908475 Whoever has any of this, comment to let everybody that views this blog to know!Comment if you have this! (the shoes are still available in the catalog hurry!! In the last catalog at the back!)Anybody haves this? I do! Comment if you do!I have this! Who else? Comment if you do!I have that hat in purple version and if you wear that hat only, you can fly with it! Comment if you have it too!
I got all of these, who haves it too? Comment if you do!!

New YouTube Channel!


Tell all your friends and watch it please! ♥♥

Pics of Star Wars Rebel and more (edited)

Here is a pic of Candace in 2013 at the Star Wars Party:
The next is pictures of me on Club Penguin and a rainbow puffle in a star war head.

Saturday 10 January 2015

All parties and favorite items of 2014

All of these are my favorite parties and my favorite one was the muppets when there was a airport and you can travel around! 
And my all of these are my favorite clothes! (Girl version)

What star rebels penguin are you?

I got this from the club penguin blog > www.clubpenguin.com/blog/  

Here is a quiz about which star rebels penguin are you. When you find out who you are you can can dress up as that character for the takeover party!

I got Hera, what did you get? Comment if you can and tell me!

Friday 9 January 2015

Having fun going to random IGLOOS!

First, i just clicked on a random boy penguin then i went to his igloo then i went into a box dimension! And look:
There is a boy penguin there, so i clicked on his igloo, look where that leads me!:
Can you see a box dimension?
I went in then......
 Yes, i was back so i went to that girl's igloo..............
 It is a very yummy sweet igloo! And look......there is the box dimension again..........

New stamp AND a clue!

A new stamp is on club penguin.............. Wanna a sneak peak? Look on the pin on my player card:
It is a pin to do something about star wars, THE NEW PARTY COMING UP! WOO HOO!

Here is your clue: 

Do you think you know it? Then log on and play! ♥ 

Thursday 8 January 2015

Long time no see....

Have you notice on club penguin that a new takeover is coming! Woo hoo! It is a STAR WAR PARTY! The new catalog came out today and look how much we donated for coins for change!
That is more than the whole people on EARTH!

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy new year!

 I got some pics of me trying to tip over the iceberg with many other penguins.
  Can we tip it over? I think so! 
Anyway this is me in a bakery! All alone.... i think!