About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Sunday 11 January 2015

Penguin Cuts Outs, do you have it?

Who haves the Olaf costume from the Frozen party in August 2014? Then i do too!

Who has the ice cream worker body item? If you do, comment if you have all of these :D

Anyone haves these clothes or a bit of it? Comment if you do! :D

Does anyone have this ice skating outfit? (It is still available in the stadium catalog) Comment if you do!
Who haves the bumble bee costume (It is also available in the stage costume trunk!) comment if you do! :D
2908475Who haves the grass shirt you can do the Hawaiian dance with? (It is available in the stage costume trunk but it is a secret, click on the Fern Fuzz hairstyle then you will see it!) Comment if you do! You don't need the Blue Lei to do it! 
This is when you dance with it.2908475 Whoever has any of this, comment to let everybody that views this blog to know!Comment if you have this! (the shoes are still available in the catalog hurry!! In the last catalog at the back!)Anybody haves this? I do! Comment if you do!I have this! Who else? Comment if you do!I have that hat in purple version and if you wear that hat only, you can fly with it! Comment if you have it too!
I got all of these, who haves it too? Comment if you do!!

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