About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Saturday 23 May 2015

Rainbow Puffle Party?

There is a rainbow puffle party ONLY on the Club Penguin App! During this party, you can get
a free rainbow puffle for members AND non-members! How cool is that?
Oh and you get to do daily tasks for prizes!

Having fun?

The fair is AWESOME! I mean, it haves all sorts of different places to go and my FAVE is the marooned lagoon and i like the wagon wheel!!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Free codes!

 This is a coin codeImage result for coin club penguin
Image result for chocolate bunny ears club penguinThis code is for the chocolate bunny ears 

This code is for the monkey costume and everyone who unlocks it will donate money to the monkey kingdom to help monkeys! REAL FACTImage result for monkey 4u club penguin

Sled Racer App!

Image result for sled racer
The Sled Racer app is super cool! However, its only available on app store! 

For Everyone:
  • COMPETE for top spot on the leader-board
  • CHECK every week for new high scores
  • SURVIVE the slopes
  • RACE down icy sled runs
  • DODGE crazy obstacles   

For Members:

  • Jet Pack Boost—Boost at the start of the gam
  • Invinci-tube—Start your race with a short burst of invincibility
  • Tube Wax—Speed boost over an ice patch
  • Parachute—Get extra air time
  • Toot Blaster—Get an extra distance blast
  • Revive—Revive from crash to continue run

Saturday 9 May 2015

Having Fun

Hey guys!! Its me again! I was super busy and now i not, so i'm gonna be pretty active now! I dressed my self with qudditch robes and a firebolt and here i am:
I also updated my igloo so if you see my around, be sure to check it!

I also found out where the forbidden forest is!!