About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Sunday 24 April 2016

Haiku for you ♥

Hi there penguin friends!
Check this out:
A Day for Haiku,
Was on April 17th,
Let us celebrate
Okay, maybe my haiku skills need some work. Luckily, I know a master poet who can help.
I've collected some of Sensei's past work so that we can learn from him. Here's one of his haiku that tells us exactly how they work:
To write a haiku
You just need to write three lines
Of five, seven, five
Five, seven, five, got it! Let's see what else Sensei says.
And it's quite easy,
To sound very sage and wise,
Speaking with haiku
So true! I feel wise just reading them. Hmmm... what else can I find?
Like the great cookie
We must have honor and strength
And chocolate chips
Wise words that include chocolate chips? I'm really liking this haiku thing.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Sam I Am!

Hey guys! I've been busy with my youtube channel but the Sasquatch has been named Sam since everyone had voted the name on the What's New Blog!
 Hi Im Sam!
What do you think of the name?
Waddle on!

Friday 8 April 2016

Whats Coming In April ANSWERS!

The answers for 'Whats Coming In April' is:
Wi_d_ Ma_e
S_s_ atc_
Ca_pi_g I_e_s
Sc_v_ g_ _ Hu_t
C_ _o_fla_e
M_ _ic
F_ _h_n_
Wo_ _w_rk_ng
H_d_e_ V_l_a_e                                                                                                                                          TO
1.Wild Maze
2. Sasquatch
3. Camping Ideas (i think)
4. Scavenger Hunt
5. Camouflage
6. Music or Magic (not sure which one)
7. Fishing
8. Woodworking? (whats woodworking?)
9. Hidden Village

What do you think i gonna happen guys?

Wilderness Expedition SNEAK PEEK!

(FOR FULL DETAILS GO TO http://clubpenguinmemories.com/2016/04/club-penguin-wilderness-expedition-2016-room-sneak-peeks/)

If you didn't notice,the puffle party has been extended because it has been a HUGE hit! Of course, the new pin is the DOCK! Also guys, there will be wilderness expedition! Here is some pics:
dock The Training Camp in the Dock!
party9 One of the Rooms!
Obviously, these are not fully complete but you can tell something is going to happen and we need to train...i think?
Here is one of the phrases you will see: Did you know sasquatches are into music? Don’t forget to earn your music badge in the party. It’s on now until May 4th!