About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Saturday 20 December 2014

Android Celebration!

Megg is doing a Android Celebration on the Club Penguin App so if you want to come, you must have the app and you have to go to the town on 1:30 snow forts time! Hopefully, i will be coming!
Not only there is an Android Celebration, you might meet Merry Walrus!

Here are the meet up times:

Friday, December 19
 * 3:30pm on the server Jack Frost
Saturday, December 20
 * 8:45am on the server Mammoth
 * 2:30pm on the server Northern Lights
Sunday, December 21
 * 9:30am on the server Sherbet
 * 12:30pm on the server Crystal
 * 5:30pm on the server Wool Socks
Monday, December 22
 * 8:45am on the server Rainbow
 * 3:30pm on the server Chinook
 * 5:30pm on the server Sled
Tuesday, December 23
 * 12:30pm on the server Mittens
 * 3:30pm on the server Iceland
Wednesday, December 24
 * 8:45am on the server Frosty
 * 12:30pm on the server Crystal
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time. (If you don't know when Penguin Standard Time is, you can check the Clock Tower at the Snow Forts).
 I got this from the website.

Don't forget to donate!

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