About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Safety and rules of club penguin

Safety is very important to club penguin because the game would be better with safety. I am going to give you a link to print or keep a safety poster by club penguin: http://clubpenguinimg-a.akamaihd.net/sites/default/files/safety/Safety-Poster-en.pdf

Here is the rules of club penguin, i got this from the website.

Be Cool Online — Respect Others

  • Treat people how you want to be treated
  • Avoid words that might offend others
  • If you wouldn't say it out loud, don't say it online

Club Penguin is Committed to Safety

  • There are filters to help block inappropriate chat
  • There are tons of crazy emotes to help express yourself

Be Heard Online — Speak Up

  • If you see anything you're not comfortable with, tell someone you trust right away
  • Don’t share personal info with anyone
  • Make sure your parents know what you're doing online

Club Penguin is Committed to Safety

  • There are moderators around the clock to help keep you safe
  • If someone’s breaking the rules, click the M on your Player Card
  • You can ignore/block another penguin anytime you want

Be Safe Online — Protect Personal Info

  • Keep your name, age, address, phone number, and school top secret
  • Only share passwords with parents - don't even tell your best friends!
  • Pick usernames that don't give away personal info

Club Penguin is Committed to Safety

  • To keep safe, we don't allow players to type numbers
  • Moderators approve all penguin names

 But also do this because if you don't do it , say bye bye to your account! 

The code is 2beheard for the items (the orange shirt and megaphone plus five hundred coins).

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