About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Saturday 20 December 2014

Penguin styles, favourite of 2014

Here are my favourite styles of 2014:
The girl parts and the feather boas.Screen Shot 2014-04-03 at 11.38.49 AM
The shoes rock!
September 2014 Penguin Style Catalog Secrets
September 2014 Penguin Style Catalog Secrets
I love girl's hair,bag and shirt!September 2014 Penguin Style Catalog Secrets
I love the girl's hair and shoes!September 2014 Penguin Style Catalog Secrets
This is probably one of the ones I always wear when I go to the skate room.August 2014 Penguin StyleAugust 2014 Clothing Catalog Cheats
When I wear this, I look like a queen!August 2014 Clothing Catalog Cheats
The hair and the dress is gorgeous.August 2014 Clothing Catalog Cheats
I think the best one of that catalogue is this part!August 2014 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats
Who am I kidding, everybody loved this costume when it first came out!August 2014 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats
This page is awesome but when you wear it you look weird!
I loved the hairs and dresses!
The girl's part is delightfully beautiful and nice and classy.
Because they are so much of these, it is hard to choose which one to wear since all of them are hand items.
I picked blue because is supported blue, who else supported blue?
I got all the face paints!

I loved the eyes and the fluffy fish gown!
The girl's hair and dress is space-tastic!
The girl's hair,shoes and shirt is really wonderful.
I loved the orange tabby costume, blue border collie costume,pufflescape ball cap and the pufflescape ball.
The funny thing about the pufflescape ball cap and the pufflescape ball is when you wear both of them, you wobble on the floor!

And that is all my favourite things on the penguin style 2014!

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