About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Thursday 31 December 2015

New video up!

Just Click This Video Please To See The Rooms In The Holiday Party!


All The Rooms In The Holiday Party!

Hey guys! Happy New Year so heres a vid to watch!

Penguin of the Week: Aden1287! - Club Penguin What's New Update!

DECEMBER 29, 2015

Penguin of the Week: Aden1287

Hi Penguins,
Aden1287 was nominated to be Penguin of the Week by Lazyman!
Here is their nomination:
"i would like to nominate Aden1287 because ever since i joined he saw me actually on the island and helped me do the most things i didnt even know i could do! His igloo and heart is always open for someone new. And I also saw people trying to nominate him too. So plz let him be POTW. Waddle on!"
Congrats Aden1287!
Want to nominate a friend for Penguin of the Week? Leave a comment telling us why! Each Penguin of the Week receives 10,000 coins and the POTW Background.
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Sunday 27 December 2015

The Goal Has Been Reached!

The Coins For Change Goal has been reached! So if you log in cp and try to donate to coins for change, this will pop up :D

Thank you for donating guys. you making a difference for other people! :)


Link Below!

Here is the link for the merry walrus film! 100% free and legal!


Saturday 26 December 2015

New Video Up On My Channel!

Hey guys! Here is my latest vid! Watch if you wanna know how i sound and the holiday party update will also be shown in the vid of mine! Like and sub for my channel! :)

Community Toy Drive! - Club Penguin What's New Update!

DECEMBER 18, 2015

Community Toy Drive

Hi Penguins!
The Holiday season is one of my FAVORITE times of year. I love how it can bring people together to do incredible things -- like Coins for Change for example!
This year, a group of us volunteered our time to help at a community Toy Drive! Each year, charities in our community collect toys donated by people like you and me to help families that are unable to purchase gifts for their kids. Each toy and game is sorted by age group so parents have an easier time picking out the perfect gift for their child. Sounds pretty amazing right?
Here's a photo of our group so you can see just how generous the community is this time of year:
We had so much fun helping out, we might even make this a tradition on our team! 
Do you volunteer in your community? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below :)
Waddle on, 
-Club Penguin Team

Penguin of the Week: Ic Blizzard - Club Penguin What's New Update!

DECEMBER 21, 2015

Penguin of the Week: Ic Blizzard

Hi Penguins,
Ic Blizzard was nominated to be Penguin of the Week by Chingu123 and Pinguina481!
Here are their nominations:
"I would like to nominate one of my best friends on the island: Ic Blizzard! She'll always help you out when you're in need! One time, I was trying to get abducted, and she stuck around and helped out in every way possible! And it worked! Ic Blizzard truly deserves to be Penguin of the Week!"
"I nominate Ic Blizzard for POTW. She is nice to everyone and she accepts any friend requests. She has awesome igloos and she throws awesome parties there. She is the best chef at the Pizza Parlor and wants to donate a lot for Coins For Change. Also, she is very good at Sounstudio! She deserves POTW!"
Congrats Ic Blizzard!
Want to nominate a friend for Penguin of the Week? Leave a comment telling us why! Each Penguin of the Week receives 10,000 coins and the POTW Background.
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Holiday Party 2015: Rockhopper Meet-up Times (Week 2 and a Bit) - Club Penguin What's New Update!

DECEMBER 22, 2015

Holiday Party 2015: Rockhopper Meet-up Times (Week 2 and a Bit)

Arrrrr you yo-ho-hoping to meet Rockhopper? Then you're in luck. Our pirate pal will be visiting at the following times:
Wednesday, December 23
 * 10:00am on the server Jack Frost
 * 3:00pm on the server Mammoth
Thursday, December 24
 * 9:00am on the server Iceland
 * 2:00pm on the server Chinook
Saturday, December 26
 * 10:00am on the server Wool Socks
 * 3:00pm on the server Cloudy
Sunday, December 27
 * 10:00am on the server Rainbow
 * 3:00pm on the server Cozy
Monday, December 28
 * 10:00am on the server Sherbet
 * 3:00pm on the server Crystal
Tuesday, December 29
 * 10:00am on the server Sled
 * 3:00pm on the server Fog
Wednesday, December 30
 * 10:00am on the server Northern Lights
 * 3:00pm on the server Frosty
Thursday, December 31
 * 10:00am on the server Mittens
 * 3:00pm on the server Jack Frost
Saturday, January 2
 * 10:00am on the server Mammoth
 * 3:00pm on the server Iceland
Sunday, January 3
 * 10:00am on the server Chinook
 * 3:00pm on the server Wool Socks
Monday, January 4
 * 10:00am on the server Cloudy
 * 3:00pm on the server Rainbow
Tuesday, January 5
 * 10:00am on the server Cozy
 * 3:00pm on the server Sherbet
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time (PST). You can check the Clock Tower in the Snow Forts for the correct time. 
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team

Coins for Change Update! - Club Penguin What's New Update!

DECEMBER 23, 2015

Coins for Change Update

Hi Penguins!
The generosity for Coins for Change is flooding in! We've now reached a total of (DA DAH DAH DAHHHH): 9,183,166,300 coins!! And that's probably even higher now!
Wow, imagine finding that kind of spare change in your couch cushion! While collecting coins might not be that easy, I do have some awesome tips to help you out:
 * Decorate! The snowballs you throw at the tree in The Forest become decorations! How? Because HOLIDAY MAGIC, that's how!
 * Pitch! Take part in the Food Drive by the Beach. Wind your arm back and aim for the boxes. Just watch out or you might take a pizza to the face. Yum!!
 * Jingle! A well placed snowball is all you need to ring the bells at The Plaza. Hmm, now how do I play Jingle Bells?
I can't wait to get our Coins for Change numbers even higher! How many coins have you donated so far?
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team