About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Thursday 17 December 2015

Holiday Party 2015: Rockhopper Meet-up Times (Week 1) - Club Penguin What's New Update

DECEMBER 16, 2015

Holiday Party 2015: Rockhopper Meet-up Times (Week 1)

Hi Penguins!
The Pizza Parlor has been getting requests for stinky cheese pizza. (Yuck!)
That can only mean one thing... Rockhopper is back!
Our favorite pirate will be around at the following times:
Thursday, December 17
 * 10:00am on the server Chinook
 * 3:00pm on the server Wool Socks
Friday, December 18
 * 1:00pm on the server Cloudy
 * 5:00pm on the server Rainbow
Saturday, December 19
 * 10:00am on the server Cozy
 * 3:00pm on the server Sherbet
Sunday, December 20
 * 10:00am on the server Crystal
 * 3:00pm on the server Sled
Monday, December 21
 * 10:00am on the server Fog
 * 3:00pm on the server Northern Lights
Tuesday, December 22
 * 10:00am on the server Frosty
 * 3:00pm on the server Mittens
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time (PST). You can check the Clock Tower in the Snow Forts for the correct time. 
Waddle on,

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