About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Help Choose The Best of 2015! - Club Penguin Blog Update

DECEMBER 8, 2015

Help Choose the Best of 2015!

Hi Penguins,
Great news! We'll be creating another 'Best of' music video to celebrate everything awesome that happened in 2015.
We'd like YOUR help choosing what parties from the past year we use in our mash-up video. 
Here's a list to help you out:
2015 Parties:
 * Star Wars Rebels
 * SoundStudio Party
 * Puffle Party
 * Frozen Fever Party
 * Rainbow Puffle Party
 * The Fair
 * Festival of Snow
 * Inside Out Party
 * Fashion Festival
 * Descendants Party
 * Anniversary Party
 * Halloween Party
 * Operation Crustacean
 * Holiday Party
Leave a comment below letting us know which party was your favorite!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team

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