About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Frozen Fever Party 2016: Rockhopper Meet-Up Times

Ahoy, mateys!
Word in the Book Room is, Cap'n Rockhopper be taken a wee break from his adventures on the 7 and a half seas. (He mentioned something about too many stinky cheese fondue parties with Yarr... we didn't ask for details.)
You can be meeting our sea-loving swashbuckler at the following times:
Friday, August 19
10:00 AMChinook
Sunday, August 21
3:00 PMWool Socks
Wednesday, August 24
10:00 AMCloudy
Saturday, August 27
3:00 PMRainbow
Tuesday, August 30
10:00 AMCozy
Friday, September 2
3:00 PMSherbet
Monday, September 5
10:00 AMCrystal
Remember! These times be in Penguin Standard Time, the Clock Tower be your best bet for finding the correct time.
Fair winds! 

Penguin of the Week: Mls01

Hi, penguins!
Mls01 was nominated to be Penguin of the Week by, Nelly21793Meridadisney, and Liz4eva!
Here are their nominations:
"I nominate MIs01 for POTW. I recently met her on the island and she is super fun! I finally met a penguin who is always as happy as I am lol. She is really cheerful and always makes people smile. She loves making new friends and always puts others first. :D"
"i would like to nominate Mis01 for potw because we always have such fun together! she is an awesome pal and i love role playing with her! she is always so cheerful and her smile is super contagious!!"
"I nominate Mls01 for POTW. She's an AWESOME friend to have. I'm so glad I have her as a friend. She's REALLY fun, sweet, kind, amazing, and honest. She has really cool igloos and I love her fashion. I really think she deserves it. Please choose her!"

Congrats, Mls01!
Want to nominate a friend for Penguin of the Week? Leave a comment telling us why! Each Penguin of the Week receives 10,000 coins and the POTW Background.
Waddle on!

Monday 29 August 2016

YOU DECIDE: Music Jam Themed Items

Hi penguins,
If you could rock out with The Penguin Band, what would you wear? I've thought about this question A LOT and I'd want a bunch of Music Jam items.
What do you think of this: The Thrift Shop Style outfit with Green Headphones. Around my neck, I'd have the Music Cruise Pass. Most importantly, I'd have the Girl Next Door Guitar.
Pretty cool, right? Now I just have to learn to PLAY all of The Penguin Band songs...
If you could wear swag from past Music Jams, or even create a new item, what would you choose? Let me know in the comments and jam on, penguin friends!
–Club Penguin Team


Megg Monday: August 29, 2016

Happy Monday, penguins!
For today's meet-up, we're going to play a game of Hot vs. Cold! Let me tell you what I mean...
It's going to be a classic Club Penguin rivalry—RED (hot) VS. BLUE (cold)!
Blue will try and freeze as many parts of each room as possible during the meet-up and red will try and thaw as many parts of each room as possible. We'll visit each room for 5 minutes and the team with the most frozen or thawed parts at the end of the time limit wins that room. At the end of the meet-up, I'll count how many rooms each team won and we'll declare a winner!
Sound good? Great! Here are the rest of the details:
Start time:
  • 10:30am PST
  • Hockey
  • 10:30 - 10:35am: Beach
  • 10:35 - 10:40am: Dock
  • 10:40 - 10:45am: Town
  • 10:50 - 10:55am: Forts
  • 10:55 - 11:00am: Plaza
  • 11:00 - 11:05am: Forest
  • 11:05 - 11:10am: Cove
Remember to wear either red or blue to show which team you're on! I'm keeping my team choice a secret until the meet-up ;)
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Im back!

Hey guys! I've noticed i've been gone for so LONG! I just made a new YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Here is the link:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMtCMhAaPaBwi59TzNK9Lrw
Subscribe if you're new and i will daily videos such as CP,MSP AND TTR! Maybe my face sometimes :3 
Just remember i will be REALLY active on this blog :)

Sunday 24 April 2016

Haiku for you ♥

Hi there penguin friends!
Check this out:
A Day for Haiku,
Was on April 17th,
Let us celebrate
Okay, maybe my haiku skills need some work. Luckily, I know a master poet who can help.
I've collected some of Sensei's past work so that we can learn from him. Here's one of his haiku that tells us exactly how they work:
To write a haiku
You just need to write three lines
Of five, seven, five
Five, seven, five, got it! Let's see what else Sensei says.
And it's quite easy,
To sound very sage and wise,
Speaking with haiku
So true! I feel wise just reading them. Hmmm... what else can I find?
Like the great cookie
We must have honor and strength
And chocolate chips
Wise words that include chocolate chips? I'm really liking this haiku thing.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Sam I Am!

Hey guys! I've been busy with my youtube channel but the Sasquatch has been named Sam since everyone had voted the name on the What's New Blog!
 Hi Im Sam!
What do you think of the name?
Waddle on!

Friday 8 April 2016

Whats Coming In April ANSWERS!

The answers for 'Whats Coming In April' is:
Wi_d_ Ma_e
S_s_ atc_
Ca_pi_g I_e_s
Sc_v_ g_ _ Hu_t
C_ _o_fla_e
M_ _ic
F_ _h_n_
Wo_ _w_rk_ng
H_d_e_ V_l_a_e                                                                                                                                          TO
1.Wild Maze
2. Sasquatch
3. Camping Ideas (i think)
4. Scavenger Hunt
5. Camouflage
6. Music or Magic (not sure which one)
7. Fishing
8. Woodworking? (whats woodworking?)
9. Hidden Village

What do you think i gonna happen guys?

Wilderness Expedition SNEAK PEEK!

(FOR FULL DETAILS GO TO http://clubpenguinmemories.com/2016/04/club-penguin-wilderness-expedition-2016-room-sneak-peeks/)

If you didn't notice,the puffle party has been extended because it has been a HUGE hit! Of course, the new pin is the DOCK! Also guys, there will be wilderness expedition! Here is some pics:
dock The Training Camp in the Dock!
party9 One of the Rooms!
Obviously, these are not fully complete but you can tell something is going to happen and we need to train...i think?
Here is one of the phrases you will see: Did you know sasquatches are into music? Don’t forget to earn your music badge in the party. It’s on now until May 4th!

Thursday 31 March 2016


Hey Guys! If you didnt know, i have reached 100 subs on youtube! Also, the puffle party is over! The amazing party is now over! I have enjoyed it a lot for the time being but something caught my eye!

This puffle!

It is a weird puffle don't you think? It first appeared at the Medieval Party in 2013!  But it didn't appear after that BUT! At the Muppets World Tour, it was spotted! Hopefully, it will make a AWESOME comeback because I would love to adopt this weird but cool puffle!

Over & Out,

Friday 18 March 2016

Puffle Spotlight: Green, But Not With Envy

Hi penguins,
I just LOVE the smile on the green raccoons' face. You can tell this puffle is up for a good joke! In fact, they love comedians on stage at the Coffee Shop.
Here's my best green raccoon joke:
I was telling my friend I adopted a green raccoon puffle.
They said "Oh, does it smell?"
I said, "Yeah, with its nose."
Pretty good, right? Right...?
Hmm... do you guys know some better puffle jokes? Maybe we could come up with some in the comments

Puffle Party 2016: PH Meet-Up Times (Part 1)

Greetings friends,
Club Penguin's one and only PH the Puffle Handler will be visiting the island to help us celebrate our pet pals!
She’ll be waddling around the island at the following times:
Thursday, March 17
 * 3:00pm on the server Rainbow
Friday, March 18
 * 10:00am on the server Sled
Saturday, March 19
 * 3:00pm on the server Fog
Sunday, March 20
 * 10:00am on the server Northern Lights
Monday, March 21
 * 3:00pm on the server Jack Frost
Tuesday, March 22
 * 10:00am on the server Mittens
Wednesday, March 23
 * 3:00pm on the server Iceland
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time (PST). You can check the Clock Tower in the Snow Forts for the correct time.

Puffle Party 2016

Hey guys! Hannah Is here and im here to talk about the awesome Puffle Party! There is clothes that you can collect when you find one of the secret puffles!(From the clubpenguinspace)

Looks great!
Waddle on!

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Puffle Spotlight: Awesome to Be Rare

MARCH 13, 2016

Puffle Spotlight: Awesome to Be Rare

Well hello, penguins!
I've been asked to talk about unicorn puffles. Instead, let's talk about my hair.
It's been described as silky, luscious, and even sublime. I run a diamond-tipped brush through it seven times a day.
Do you know what makes my rainbow sheens REALLY shine?
Lather, rinse, repeat!
I've followed this advice and look where it got me–I have my own music video! Sure, my smooth baritone voice probably helped. And my magical horn. My charming grin. Those agile hops I make. The dashing way I say "neigh." The, the...

Puffle Spotlight: So Cute it's Scary


     Welcome to the Puffle Awards, penguins!

And now, the winner for slimiest green tongue goes to...
Congratulations, ghost puffle! All those years of keeping your tongue slimy have finally paid off!
You know, penguins, I think the ghost puffle is kind of cute. The buggy eyes, the goopy tongue, the messy hair... the style works!
These puffles are a Halloween favorite but they make great pets any time of year. Just be ready for their games. They love to surprise unsuspecting penguins.

Puffle Spotlight: Who's that Puffle? It's Crystal Clear!

Hi penguins,

Today's puffle is a visitor from a far-away place! Oh-- that must sound like an alien puffle, right?
What if I told you it's blue? Um... but not a blue puffle.
It's a very sparkly puffle! I don't mean a golden puffle though.
Maybe I should just say it:
Today's puffle is the blue crystal puffle!
These puffles were super impressed with the generosity of penguins during Coins for Change. A lot of them even decided to stay on Club Penguin!
Have you ever seen a blue crystal puffle flying in the sky? Keep your eyes open, cause they're out there!

Puffle Spotlight: Summer Lovin'

Hi penguins,
The snowman puffle is so cool they're practically frozen! They have a face that looks so familiar to me. I swear I've seen it before.
These puffles love the heat, but maybe don't invite them to Card-Jitsu Fire.
They like visiting the snowballs at the Snow Fort. I guess they look like distant relatives.
Playing with a snowman puffle sounds like a ball, right? A snow-ball! (Sorry)

Puffle Spotlight: Gary's Perfect Puffle Match

Hi penguins,
Did you know that Gary kept notes after adopting Darwin? I thought you guys would love to see them! It seems like a perfect way to celebrate the blue triceratops puffle!
Name: Darwin
Puffle type: Blue triceratops puffle
Likes: Stomping (Note: Educate Darwin that stomping is an OUTSIDE activity) 
Favorite location: The Puffle Park
Second favorite location: My laboratory (Note: Stupendous! I love the lab too.)
Favorite invention: Puffle O Feeder 3000 (Note: Excellent! Darwin displays an interest in science). 
Dislikes: Coffee (Note: Very strange. How could anyone dislike coffee).
Conclusion: Darwin has adjusted extremely well to life on Club Penguin. He's as curious as a brown puffle and as playful as a blue. I am very pleased that I adopted him!
Awww, it looks like Gary and Darwin were a great match from the start.