About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Sunday 28 February 2016

Puffle Spotlight: Powerfully Shy

Greetings penguins,
How long have white puffles ACTUALLY been on the island? Well, it's tough to say. They blend in SO well with the snow.
Whatever the case, they were discovered wayyyyy back in 2009.
These frosty friends have a real chill to them. Put them in a bath and it'll freeze right up! Brrrrrrrr!
No doubt a power like that would make them AWESOME snow ninjas. Maybe that's where the rumor of their martial arts skills came from.
Or maybe white puffles really are secret ninjas?

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