About Me

I am a girl and my Club Penguin name is Pophannah123. I am 12 years old.
I played since 2010! I like Club Penguins parties and games. I love my puffles and i hope to meet you someday :)

Thursday 31 March 2016


Hey Guys! If you didnt know, i have reached 100 subs on youtube! Also, the puffle party is over! The amazing party is now over! I have enjoyed it a lot for the time being but something caught my eye!

This puffle!

It is a weird puffle don't you think? It first appeared at the Medieval Party in 2013!  But it didn't appear after that BUT! At the Muppets World Tour, it was spotted! Hopefully, it will make a AWESOME comeback because I would love to adopt this weird but cool puffle!

Over & Out,

Friday 18 March 2016

Puffle Spotlight: Green, But Not With Envy

Hi penguins,
I just LOVE the smile on the green raccoons' face. You can tell this puffle is up for a good joke! In fact, they love comedians on stage at the Coffee Shop.
Here's my best green raccoon joke:
I was telling my friend I adopted a green raccoon puffle.
They said "Oh, does it smell?"
I said, "Yeah, with its nose."
Pretty good, right? Right...?
Hmm... do you guys know some better puffle jokes? Maybe we could come up with some in the comments

Puffle Party 2016: PH Meet-Up Times (Part 1)

Greetings friends,
Club Penguin's one and only PH the Puffle Handler will be visiting the island to help us celebrate our pet pals!
She’ll be waddling around the island at the following times:
Thursday, March 17
 * 3:00pm on the server Rainbow
Friday, March 18
 * 10:00am on the server Sled
Saturday, March 19
 * 3:00pm on the server Fog
Sunday, March 20
 * 10:00am on the server Northern Lights
Monday, March 21
 * 3:00pm on the server Jack Frost
Tuesday, March 22
 * 10:00am on the server Mittens
Wednesday, March 23
 * 3:00pm on the server Iceland
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time (PST). You can check the Clock Tower in the Snow Forts for the correct time.

Puffle Party 2016

Hey guys! Hannah Is here and im here to talk about the awesome Puffle Party! There is clothes that you can collect when you find one of the secret puffles!(From the clubpenguinspace)

Looks great!
Waddle on!

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Puffle Spotlight: Awesome to Be Rare

MARCH 13, 2016

Puffle Spotlight: Awesome to Be Rare

Well hello, penguins!
I've been asked to talk about unicorn puffles. Instead, let's talk about my hair.
It's been described as silky, luscious, and even sublime. I run a diamond-tipped brush through it seven times a day.
Do you know what makes my rainbow sheens REALLY shine?
Lather, rinse, repeat!
I've followed this advice and look where it got me–I have my own music video! Sure, my smooth baritone voice probably helped. And my magical horn. My charming grin. Those agile hops I make. The dashing way I say "neigh." The, the...

Puffle Spotlight: So Cute it's Scary


     Welcome to the Puffle Awards, penguins!

And now, the winner for slimiest green tongue goes to...
Congratulations, ghost puffle! All those years of keeping your tongue slimy have finally paid off!
You know, penguins, I think the ghost puffle is kind of cute. The buggy eyes, the goopy tongue, the messy hair... the style works!
These puffles are a Halloween favorite but they make great pets any time of year. Just be ready for their games. They love to surprise unsuspecting penguins.

Puffle Spotlight: Who's that Puffle? It's Crystal Clear!

Hi penguins,

Today's puffle is a visitor from a far-away place! Oh-- that must sound like an alien puffle, right?
What if I told you it's blue? Um... but not a blue puffle.
It's a very sparkly puffle! I don't mean a golden puffle though.
Maybe I should just say it:
Today's puffle is the blue crystal puffle!
These puffles were super impressed with the generosity of penguins during Coins for Change. A lot of them even decided to stay on Club Penguin!
Have you ever seen a blue crystal puffle flying in the sky? Keep your eyes open, cause they're out there!

Puffle Spotlight: Summer Lovin'

Hi penguins,
The snowman puffle is so cool they're practically frozen! They have a face that looks so familiar to me. I swear I've seen it before.
These puffles love the heat, but maybe don't invite them to Card-Jitsu Fire.
They like visiting the snowballs at the Snow Fort. I guess they look like distant relatives.
Playing with a snowman puffle sounds like a ball, right? A snow-ball! (Sorry)

Puffle Spotlight: Gary's Perfect Puffle Match

Hi penguins,
Did you know that Gary kept notes after adopting Darwin? I thought you guys would love to see them! It seems like a perfect way to celebrate the blue triceratops puffle!
Name: Darwin
Puffle type: Blue triceratops puffle
Likes: Stomping (Note: Educate Darwin that stomping is an OUTSIDE activity) 
Favorite location: The Puffle Park
Second favorite location: My laboratory (Note: Stupendous! I love the lab too.)
Favorite invention: Puffle O Feeder 3000 (Note: Excellent! Darwin displays an interest in science). 
Dislikes: Coffee (Note: Very strange. How could anyone dislike coffee).
Conclusion: Darwin has adjusted extremely well to life on Club Penguin. He's as curious as a brown puffle and as playful as a blue. I am very pleased that I adopted him!
Awww, it looks like Gary and Darwin were a great match from the start.

Puffle Spotlight: Tickled Pink

Hi penguins,
The pink stegosaurus puffle must be one of the friendlist puffles! Why?
Because they're friends with the MEGALODON!
The megalodon is one of the biggest and scariest looking fish in the ocean. But this never stopped the pink stegosaurus puffles from being friends with it.
What a great lesson!
It's no surprise that these puffles are optimistic. To them, a stranger is just a friend whose face they haven't licked yet.
So keep it up, pink stegosaurus puffle! You're making the island a better place one slurp at a time!

Puffle Spotlight: Cute and... Cuddly-ish

Aww, looks like this puffle needs a hug!
The black t-rex Puffle is intense! Whether playing a game of hockey or eating a Sunday brunch, these puffles approach everything with determination.
They're not the most talkative group at the Puffle Park but make no mistake-- they really do have a good heart. (It's just hidden beneath a grumpy gaze and a quiet growl).
These puffles are loyal pets who will do anything for their friends! Well, unless it's smiling a goofy grin.
That's more of an orange puffle thing.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Puffle Spotlight: The Original Purple Dinosaur

That's dinosaur for "Hi penguins!" At least that's what it sounds like to me.
I've been learning dinosaur from a purple T-rex puffle! So far, everything sounds like a huge roar.
That's exactly what these puffles are all about: BIG and LOUD!
They love jamming to rock & roll but they'll start a random dance party even if there's no song at all.
That means the purple T-rex is often the center of attention. Even Glitterpants would have a tough time being heard over these fierce friends.
So what can you say about the purple T-rex puffle?

RED-y for a Prehistoric Adventure

Hi penguins,
The red triceratops puffle can't be held down for long. There's always a new adventure and place for them to explore.
Whether hopping through a volcano or guiding an expedition through the Puffle Wild, these puffles are on the move.
They're great treasure hunters and can find loot that no other puffle can. If you want a Tricera-statue, these are the puffles to talk to!
Phew, just writing about them is making me tired!
Can you keep up with the red triceratops puffle? If so, you might want to buy a dozen pairs of shoes. You're going to need them!

Friday 4 March 2016

Puffle Spotlight: They Call it Yellow Stego

Hey penguins,
Okay, what do you think of when you think of dinosaurs?
Big teeth? Scary snarl? Bad breath?
How about creative genius? It might not be what you expect, but that's exactly what the yellow stegosaurus puffle is!
These puffles were ahead of their time when it came to art... which isn't too hard when your time is millions of years ago. While everyone else was smearing berries on tree bark, yellow stegoraurus puffles were making amazing cave art!
Most of these masterpieces were lost to time, but that doesn't mean they can't make more. We've seen some really "creative" chalk drawings on the Mine walls.
They might not make the next Mona Lisa, but they'll have a great time trying!

A Message from Herbert

Hey penguins!
You won't believe who sent in a message!

From: HPB_Mastermind
Date: Wed, March 2, 2016 at 10:50 PM
Subject: This is NOT over
Grrr, you penguins think you're so smart. Let me tell you, that was nothing but luck!
The power source was OBVIOUSLY broken. There is no other reason my inventions would fail.
You're crazy if you think you have seen the last of Herbert P. Bear. You might have won this time, but I will get the last MWAHAHA!
All the worst,
Herbert P. Bear, Esq.
P.S. I expect NO further jokes about my smell! Foot fungus is not a laughing matter!
Sent from my icePhone

Wow, Herbert is steamed! Evil geniuses don't handle failure well.

Puffle Spotlight: The Purr-fect Pet Pal

Hi penguins,
Curiosity did no harm to this orange tabby! Cat ladies all over the island rejoiced when they were first discovered along with dog puffles on Rockhopper's ship.
These fuzzy felines love to explore, and demand attention when it suits them best. Get them a good spot at the scratching post in the Puffle Park and they're content to play for hours!
Just make sure to avoid the fire hydrant, it may be hilarious to see them puff out into giant fur balls, but they tend to get a little... we'll say irritable (and scratchy).

Puffle Spotlight: A Penguin's Best Friend

Greetings friends,
Speaking of friends, today's puffle can best be described as a penguin's best pal!
The border collie puffle was first discovered in 2014 after they stowed away on Rockhopper's ship. Good thing the captain is a fan of slobbery kisses... or not. Which is probably why he promptly dropped them off on the island.
Some penguins believe Yarr helped them sneak aboard with the mischievous cat puffles. Others believe they accidentally came aboard while chasing the cat puffles! Either way, we love having them here to dig up fancy blue cars for us. :D


Hi Penguins,
Here's this week's Penguin of the Week!
Teal Oswald was nominated to be Penguin of the Week by Scarlet Vier!
Here is their nomination:
"I would like to nominate Teal Oswald, because she is so devoted to Club Penguin. She makes an effort to be friends with everyone, especially new players. She puts a lot of effort into her igloo, and participating in everything. She is so friendly and cheerful, no matter what! She deserves to win."
Congrats Teal Oswald!
Want to nominate a friend for Penguin of the Week? Leave a comment telling us why! Each Penguin of the Week receives 10,000 coins and the POTW Background.
Waddle on!

Puffle Spotlight: Absolutely Fabulous

Greetings penguins,
These puffles are like their own personal dance club, complete with disco ball! They can be yours for the... wait, when did this turn into an infomercial?
They may be picky eaters, but they make up for it with their amazing fashion sense and musical prowess. I've even heard they make great sound designers, and have collaborated with the Penguin Band AND DJ Cadence.
I wonder if DJ Cadence and her pet pal, Lolz write all her tracks together? I must remember to ask her next time she's on the island.

Puffle Spotlight: Somebody Needs a Hug...

Hi penguins!
Don't let their sour faces scare you off, black puffles are surprisingly sweet when they want to be! (Emphasis on when THEY want to be...)
They have been known to help out a penguin or two through a game of Cart Surfer. Although, they're usually found brooding in a corner of the mine listening to the newest dubstep album. Or coming up with their next epic skateboard trick to show off at the Skate Park.
AND rumor has it that black puffles have some special connection with the shadows. Perhaps this is why they hang out in the darkness of the Mine?

Puffle Spotlight: Life of the Party

Hi penguins,
Let's give it up for TEAM GREEN!
Green puffles are AWESOME at a party. They're totally goofy and love to entertain!
The Keeper of the Boiler Room is the most FAMOUS green puffle! He bounces around on a speaker at the Dance Club and LOVES it. I'm not sure there's a song he DOESN'T like.
That's the kind of fun you can expect from a green puffle. They make the best out of anything! Well, except carrots. They REALLY don't like those.
But they DO like propeller hats! The ones they wear look a lot like the one a famous penguin wears. Hmmm... do you think Rookie has been taking fashion tips from green puffles?